River is the Dumping site for industries in Nairobi

The Nairobi river is one of the river that pass in capital city of Kenya.From where it's origin it has very clean water.But when it enters Nairobi it becomes a dumping site for Industrial waste and some resident waste.The  big problem that we have is how can we put policies to prevent this Industries from disposing the dangerous waste chemicals  in the river.
Industry dispose waste to the Nairobi river with dangerous chemicals and then there are some Kenyan who take advantage of the river by using the water for irrigation along side the river.Different farmers  plants different vegetables alongside the river. which are then sold to the local resident of Nairobi.My big question is when the industry dispose the waste into the river and as we know some of those chemicals can be absorbed by the plant e.g Mercury,Asbestos.What will happen when the consumer consume the vegetable.This is what causing many diseases in this 21st century in our Nairobi city.
  Government should help in preserving the river which is the only  river we can call it big  in Nairobi.The population in Nairobi is increasing with a big rate.The resident are disposing different type of waste in the river.People are building rental houses along the river like 5 meters from the river.This is making the river been overcrowded Near these river there are slums.Some of this slums do not have even Toilets.So they dispose all the waste in this river.

Mankind waste is not that harmful but the industrial waste is a big problem we have in the Nairobi river.The UNEP has tried a lot to fight with the disposing of dangerous waste in the river which is a good idea.But i have not heard of any thing from Central  government,County government and local N.g.o's.Trying to fight the vice.
 I do respect former Nobler prize winner  the late Wangari Mathai and former late Minister of environment Honorable Michuki for fighting well the war of preserving the environment.But the current government and leadership i have not heard of any Leader who have rose and fight the war like the two did.we have a gap in leadership in fighting the war in environmental issues.Everything they are just concern with is politics...politics.I have not heard of any Media house standing out and fight the issues in the environment we have all is politics...politics...politics.
  Lets unite and fight against the environmental vice.
Wangari Mathai

poisonous Liquor

a drunk person
We have started the month well.For many years Kenyan from central region so called mt Kenya region had a lot of issues on the poisonous liquor.The campaign is all over the region to stop bad habit of drinking poisonous liquor. President Uhuru Kenyatta  has helped a lot in this war.The campaign of fighting the brew is all over the place.This was a good idea as many young people have rejected there responsibility.You can find young people on Monday morning at 9 am been drunk lying on the ground at the road side.It is highly time that people should change as the current trend that we are moving with is not good for our future country.Owner of this company that are making this liquor are making million of shillings in this business.

Government should come up with rehabilitation center in every county that is affected by the problem of alcohol to help those who are  addicted to the alcohol.They should also introduce Education in High school and primary level to teach the young people the bad effect of alcohol.Also government should come up with a new policies to fight alcohol.

IBM’s app to help Nairobi clear mountain of garbage

According to one of local  Daily Nation.They have said that IBM has designed a solid waste management system to help solve Nairobi’s mounting garbage menace.The IBM Research Africa project could be launched in a year, as the city stepsup garbage collection programme that costs an estimated Sh1 billion per month. IBM researchers will collect data of the five million residents in Nairobi County, map garbage collection routes and connect them to a mobile application monitored from a main office server. “This signifies how IBM as an American company is investing big in Africa with a focus on enterprise and job creation.“When you drive around in the garbage collecting lorry with a mobile phone that has our application, it will automatically monitor and tell traffic and driver behaviour. Through the system,we detect speed bumps and potholes. We also check fuel usage,” said IBM researcher Aisha Walcott Bryant while demonstrating how the app works at the firm’s lab in the Catholic University of Eastern Africa last week. The data collected by the laboratory could then be used by Nairobi County government to plan an efficient garbage collection schedule. “We partnered with Nairobi County on (developing) the system. Currently we are monitoring 10 of the garbage collection vehicles with our smart devices. On the first attempt, we were able to tell when all the vehicles were in the garage,” said Ms Bryant.She said the system checks the dump sites in the county to see if they are full and/or not treated. It also captures how long a vehicle takes in traffic and the time the vehicles take to collect garbage. Before embarking on the project, IBM conducted a research that revealed Nairobi as one of the most congested cities in the world. This is partly the reason why garbage collection has been a headache to the county. Despite several initiatives, the county government has been unable to effectively deal with mounting garbage. The population of the 32,000-square-kilometer city has grown from 325,000 fifty years ago to 3.1 million as per the 2009 census. The county government data shows that over five million people live in Nairobi currently. Nairobi County Executive Committee Member for Environment Evans Ondieki, who is playing a key role in the roll-out of the new garbage collection plan, says the initiative will give the city a new, gleaming face. “Our plan is to attract

Dandora Dumping site
foreign direct investments through a clean, well organised city that knows how to manage solid waste and has proper planning,” said Mr Ondieki. An attempt to organize the city’s garbage collection in 2010 through a Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) funding failed Legal framework Jica, through the county survey, cited insufficient funds for the city’s failure to implement the clean-up plan. The agency also stressed the need for a legal framework for the public-private partnership investments. Jica outlined what must be done to make Nairobi “as neat and functional as other global capitals”.

The incentive that the IBM is taking is  good for our country not only for people of  Kenya but for world at large.The country capital city lock out many investors from investing in the country due to the pollution and dirty city.If we can have a good and clear policies and procedures put down to help in managing the collection of garbage it will be better.This app will help a lot in the collection of the garbage.This will improve the lives of the city residents and attract many investors.Which will help in job creation and increase of the GDP of the country.After the investors have shown in large number.