IBM’s app to help Nairobi clear mountain of garbage

According to one of local  Daily Nation.They have said that IBM has designed a solid waste management system to help solve Nairobi’s mounting garbage menace.The IBM Research Africa project could be launched in a year, as the city stepsup garbage collection programme that costs an estimated Sh1 billion per month. IBM researchers will collect data of the five million residents in Nairobi County, map garbage collection routes and connect them to a mobile application monitored from a main office server. “This signifies how IBM as an American company is investing big in Africa with a focus on enterprise and job creation.“When you drive around in the garbage collecting lorry with a mobile phone that has our application, it will automatically monitor and tell traffic and driver behaviour. Through the system,we detect speed bumps and potholes. We also check fuel usage,” said IBM researcher Aisha Walcott Bryant while demonstrating how the app works at the firm’s lab in the Catholic University of Eastern Africa last week. The data collected by the laboratory could then be used by Nairobi County government to plan an efficient garbage collection schedule. “We partnered with Nairobi County on (developing) the system. Currently we are monitoring 10 of the garbage collection vehicles with our smart devices. On the first attempt, we were able to tell when all the vehicles were in the garage,” said Ms Bryant.She said the system checks the dump sites in the county to see if they are full and/or not treated. It also captures how long a vehicle takes in traffic and the time the vehicles take to collect garbage. Before embarking on the project, IBM conducted a research that revealed Nairobi as one of the most congested cities in the world. This is partly the reason why garbage collection has been a headache to the county. Despite several initiatives, the county government has been unable to effectively deal with mounting garbage. The population of the 32,000-square-kilometer city has grown from 325,000 fifty years ago to 3.1 million as per the 2009 census. The county government data shows that over five million people live in Nairobi currently. Nairobi County Executive Committee Member for Environment Evans Ondieki, who is playing a key role in the roll-out of the new garbage collection plan, says the initiative will give the city a new, gleaming face. “Our plan is to attract

Dandora Dumping site
foreign direct investments through a clean, well organised city that knows how to manage solid waste and has proper planning,” said Mr Ondieki. An attempt to organize the city’s garbage collection in 2010 through a Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) funding failed Legal framework Jica, through the county survey, cited insufficient funds for the city’s failure to implement the clean-up plan. The agency also stressed the need for a legal framework for the public-private partnership investments. Jica outlined what must be done to make Nairobi “as neat and functional as other global capitals”.

The incentive that the IBM is taking is  good for our country not only for people of  Kenya but for world at large.The country capital city lock out many investors from investing in the country due to the pollution and dirty city.If we can have a good and clear policies and procedures put down to help in managing the collection of garbage it will be better.This app will help a lot in the collection of the garbage.This will improve the lives of the city residents and attract many investors.Which will help in job creation and increase of the GDP of the country.After the investors have shown in large number.

Lupita Nyong’o coming to kenya for elephant conservation

Lupita Nyong'o  coming back to her home country in that good motive is something us like people who love environment should celebrate.This is because she is not coming back to her home country for nothing less but Elephant conversation.This i can say it is a good idea.
 Lupita’s  homecoming tour is being supported by a number of local brands, including Safaricom, Kenya Airways, Simba Colt Motors, African Heritage, Villa Rosa Kempinski and luxury bag manufacturer Lulea. She will partner with Wild Aid  whose mission is to end the sale of illegal wildlife artefacts such as elephant tusks and rhino horns.“Our country’s elephants are a critical piece of the heart of Kenya and we need to take action now to save their population from the threats that continue to endanger their existence,” she said in a statement. Wild Aid is an organisation that seeks to harness star power to reduce global consumption of wildlife products by persuading consumers and strengthening enforcement unlike most wildlife conservation groups that focus on protecting animals from poaching.event to be held on Thursday, July 2, atthe Villa Rosa Kempinski in Nairobi
  Having a dinner with the Oscar Award-winning actress only be Sh 10,000 per person or Sh100,000 roughly  about 100 dollars per person and 1000 dollars   for a corporate table for an exclusive event to be held on Thursday, July 2, at the Villa Rosa Kempinski in Nairobi. The actress, who seemed to give Nairobi and her Kenyan fans the snub, now appears set to make a grand entrance. Lupita will arrive in Kenya in a week’s time to conduct a homecoming tour that includes activities that aim to uplift the Kenyan arts community as well as raise awareness on elephant conservation efforts in the country.She will be the chief guest at an exclusive dinner bringing together conservationists, artists as well as the general public for an arts and fashion show by selected Kenyan designers and artists.

For those of you who do not know Lupita Nyong'o  she is a Hollywood actor.For more details Lupita Nyong'o celebrity.
This war should go on to reduce the number of cases that are there in kenya and world at large.i congratulate the Kenya hero for that huge idea that will help our country.If leaders and high profile people could have ideas like that of Lupita the world would be a good place.But many of those who have  high profile they have dirty mind filled by the ideas of corruptions,enriching themselves etc.Its time for us to change the world and do positive.


The idea of the WHO(World Health Organisation) to encourage governments all over the world is welcoming.Tobacco is the main problem and cause of various deadly diseases.
 All the government should take this advise as this will reduce many diseases and many other problems that are brought due to use of tobacco.
  The government of Kenya has taken these advice and from the beginning of this month the prices of tobacco has risen.This is good indeed as it will reduce consumption of the tobacco.
 In  a duration of about 5 years ago government has tried it best to fight the tobacco usage.One of the things that government did is banning the advertisement of tobacco products in public i.e radio stations,T.v and i can say this has helped a lot  One of my friend  who is a tobacco user told me that he started smoking a local cigarette.When he was about 12 years old when he heard an advertisement.That " smoking make a person fill so high ".Now he is an  addict.
 Another thing that government has helped is controlling the smoking of tobacco from anywhere in the public.Some years back people could smoke cigarette from any environment in public.This was polluting the environment,from the research carried  out  by one of international organisation it  said that when a person smoke cigarette.The third party person is the one who will have high risk of been affected by the cigarette than even those who are smoking it.
 So government of Kenya constructed a Smoking Zone. This the smoking Zone area,Smoking in the public in Kenya is an offence.
The other thing that government helped a lot is establishment of NACADA. This is an organisation that help in   fighting drugs abuse.By holding up seminars and campaign against drug abuse.Also the introduction of outside cover been  printed a message like cigarette smoking can cause death,disease etc.This usually help those who are introducing themselves to this substance.

The prices should even be doubled to reduce the number of people who are using the substance.But big question arise that Economy of the world is also supported  by the tobacco.The Companies that manufacture the product pay government a lot of money and also have employed many employees from those who sell the product to the Customer(Smoker),Farmer who plant the Tobacco product to sell to these companies for his daily bread.If we ban tobacco produce where will the people go.
My opinion to these is that It should only be  increased the prices and not ban them completely.Those who will afford to use them let them use them.

View these and learn you might help another person and you help yourself  risks of tobacco .
Cigarette Smoking harmful to your
Raw product of tobacco


What would happen if there could be no plastic in the world the life could be somehow difficult.There are a lot of plastic materials that human kind use in day to day activities.The most commonly used are  utensils e.g plates,cups that are used at home.All over the world  plastic appears in almost every house hold.What if everything that is used as plastic is  a metal .The life could be too expensive to live in.Plastic do not decay like other material Most plastic is manufactured from petroleum the end product of a few million years of natural decay of once-living organisms. Petroleum's main components come from lipids that were first assembled long ago in those organisms' cells. So the question is, if petroleum-derived plastic comes from bio-material  why doesn't it biodegrade?Food for thought .
A crucial manufacturing step turns petroleum into a material unrecognized by the organisms that normally break organic matter down.Most plastics are derived from propylene, a simple chemical component of petroleum. When heated up in the presence of a catalyst, individual chemical units monomers of propylene link together by forming extremely strong carbon-carbon bonds with each other. This results in polymers long chains of monomers called polypropylene."Nature doesn't make things like that," said Kenneth Peters, an organic geochemist at Stanford University, "so organisms have never seen that before."
The organisms that decompose organic matter the ones that start turning your apple brown the instant you cut it open "have evolved over billions of years to attack certain types of bonds that are common in nature," Peters told Life's Little Mysteries.
   Plastic recycling is a process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different in form from their original state. Since plastic is not normally biodegradable, recycling it is part of global efforts to reduce plastic in the waste stream, especially the approximately eight million metric tonnes of waste plastic that enter the earth's ocean every year.This helps to reduce the high rates of plastic pollution.
Considering we are in 21st century everything is like plastic.There are millions and millions of hand set or mobile phone,Dvd players,Computers and many more electronic that are made using plastics.The plastic are of bigger help.
                    Big question is :technology changes very fast and each an every day plastic is been disposed.Today we are talking about iphone,like 3 years ago technology was different,Where did the old phone waste materials go.They are polluting our environments.

There a lot of paper bags,waste plastic like spoiled utensils that are lying all over.These is environment pollution.sometimes back government of Kenya had banned the manufacturing and selling of plastic paper bags,but it did not bear fruits.
 We need a better methods of reducing the disposal of plastics. 
How we can reduce the usage of plastic is difficult the only solution is to recycle the plastics.
My opinion on these is that One method of  encouraging and helping on  recycling of these plastic would be :-
  •  Developing many a recycling companies in the world.
  • Reducing the production of plastic.
  • Encouraging the recycling companies by been given more funds,subsides and reduction of tax by government. 
  • Coco cola company wash there glass bottles,why can't they also implement it also on the plastic bottles.
  • Opening  up ready market for buying the disposed plastics materials like bottles,paper bags these may create employment to some individual and keep the environment clean.
  • try and use other materials for packaging and also find another local ready material that is cheap and that can decay easily.

We need companies investing in the area of recycling plastics.Many plastics are imported from outside country.Why can't  we have many investors opening up this firms in the country.The following are the steps of recycling plastics from plastic recycle.
 There are many companies which are coming up.That are helping in recycling of the plastic some of these companies are suppose to be given more fund to help in improving our environment.Some of these compani
es are:-
To list them but a few but they are suppose to be many in order  to help us  keep environment clean.

Scientist  have proven that plastic are the one cause of deadly disease called cancer.The quicker we get the alternative to the plastic the better.


Sometimes i get very annoyed by some light weighted brain people.Who kill Wildlife animal to get rich,This is a big problem that have affected our country and world in general.It all started in 1974 August when widespread outcry led to ban on ivory trade and all the licenses revoked by govt #TheIvorySaga   .Kenya’s war against poaching has been boosted by a new set of superior digital and solar radio communications technology.
The over Ksh. 700 million projects funded by the French government will be instrumental in facilitating Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) security operations through the upgrading of its current analogue network to a more robust and enhanced digital platform.
This is a major boost to the country and particularly KWS as it will go a long way in achieving conservation targets under the National Elephant Action Plan aimed at using advanced technology in wildlife conservation, says Environment and Natural Resources CS Prof Judy Wakhungu said.
Speaking during the Launch of Kenya wildlife service Digital Radio Network and Solar Power backup project at the KWS headquarters in Langata, the CS said, the current phase of the project is worth seven million Euros will be repaid in thirty equal consecutive six monthly installments with an interest of 0.73 percent and a grace period of five years.This is according to
Below is the picture of honorable President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta burning 15 tonnes of Ivory.

 Due to corruption in our country.This is why KWS officer are collaborating with the poacher.I do not think if the KWS officer are free from corruption and working hard there could still be poachers in our country.The officers have negligence and are corrupt.
The Elephant are been killed everyday.Who cares some  KWS officers do not care.But we believe our president cares and his  government.Those officers found with corruption should be fired.
I hope the Digital Radio Network will save the Wildlife and we have a better World.

Think twice when you are cutting trees

When it come to trees ,Kenya is a rich land.According to botanical reference ,Kenya Trees and Shrubs ,published by the National Museum ,Kenya has over 1100 species of trees.Trees are the one which make the environment look good.This is due in part to the wonderfully diverse habitats in the country, extending from the dry, barren regions of Lake Turkana and Mandera, to the lush high country around Mount Kenya and the Rift Valley highlands.

Kenya is also poor, due to poor resource management extending back to the colonial days and government actions of the immediate past, the country has seen extensive environmental degradation, habitat conversion and loss of forest cover. This has left the land vulnerable to erosion and drought, and the people with fewer resources for their survival. The forest, and the trees, have not received due credit for their contribution to the land. Trees protect soil, provide food and protection for people and animals, fuel for cooking, medicine, fiber, mulch, green manure, fencing, and much more. Losing these services has cost Kenya greatly.For more visit
The current government is playing a bigger role to prevent deforestation as in previous regime of KANU government. Everybody was destroying the forest in the name of been rich.We should thank our president honorable Uhuru Kenyatta for enhancing and putting measures to prevent deforestation in this green country.
  What if all the trees were cut down our country could have turn to a semi desert having in mind that the country economy is run by Agricultural,Tourism etc.I cannot imagine Kenya been a desert.This would have prevented Kenya from accomplishing vision 2030 which will make Kenya a middle income country and improve our GDP.When you are cutting a tree think twice because you could be destroying life of future generation and home of many.

Lion has right to live in Kenya

This is one of the species in Kenya that is endangered.Why?For a Masai Moran to become a warrior.He must kill a Lion for him to move from one stage to the other.If it is so then,will we have Lions species by 2050 in Kenya. Lion as known to be King of jungle attract a lot of tourist to our country.There are many countries which do not have this species.My opinion is government should put across policies to embrace the wildlife in Kenya.Because as the rate by which the lions are Killed they may become history in Kenya.The Masai should change their culture and try other method of approving Moran warriors.They can try a unique way of a competition to approve Warriors.The Lion have also rights to live not only us people.Human has become  a greedy species only because he was given highest level of intelligent.We should use our intelligent to make the environment better than before.We the human we are the one who can control the world we cannot wait for the other species to act on our behalf.Kenya for better future.

Kenya government budget Allocation 2015/2016

The Amount of money that government of Kenya has allocated is about Ksh 12.6 billion.These i consider to be a low amount considering all what concern as a country is environment.If we have unfavorable environment.We will affect human  kind and all that surround us like animals,trees etc.The money should be increased considering there a lot to be done in the area.

Geographical site for Kenya

Kenya is a country which has a good climate for its habitat to survive well and to be the leading economy in Africa.But due to corruption and negligence some parts Kenya are very poor.