What would happen if there could be no plastic in the world the life could be somehow difficult.There are a lot of plastic materials that human kind use in day to day activities.The most commonly used are  utensils e.g plates,cups that are used at home.All over the world  plastic appears in almost every house hold.What if everything that is used as plastic is  a metal .The life could be too expensive to live in.Plastic do not decay like other material Most plastic is manufactured from petroleum the end product of a few million years of natural decay of once-living organisms. Petroleum's main components come from lipids that were first assembled long ago in those organisms' cells. So the question is, if petroleum-derived plastic comes from bio-material  why doesn't it biodegrade?Food for thought .
A crucial manufacturing step turns petroleum into a material unrecognized by the organisms that normally break organic matter down.Most plastics are derived from propylene, a simple chemical component of petroleum. When heated up in the presence of a catalyst, individual chemical units monomers of propylene link together by forming extremely strong carbon-carbon bonds with each other. This results in polymers long chains of monomers called polypropylene."Nature doesn't make things like that," said Kenneth Peters, an organic geochemist at Stanford University, "so organisms have never seen that before."
The organisms that decompose organic matter the ones that start turning your apple brown the instant you cut it open "have evolved over billions of years to attack certain types of bonds that are common in nature," Peters told Life's Little Mysteries.
   Plastic recycling is a process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different in form from their original state. Since plastic is not normally biodegradable, recycling it is part of global efforts to reduce plastic in the waste stream, especially the approximately eight million metric tonnes of waste plastic that enter the earth's ocean every year.This helps to reduce the high rates of plastic pollution.
Considering we are in 21st century everything is like plastic.There are millions and millions of hand set or mobile phone,Dvd players,Computers and many more electronic that are made using plastics.The plastic are of bigger help.
                    Big question is :technology changes very fast and each an every day plastic is been disposed.Today we are talking about iphone,like 3 years ago technology was different,Where did the old phone waste materials go.They are polluting our environments.

There a lot of paper bags,waste plastic like spoiled utensils that are lying all over.These is environment pollution.sometimes back government of Kenya had banned the manufacturing and selling of plastic paper bags,but it did not bear fruits.
 We need a better methods of reducing the disposal of plastics. 
How we can reduce the usage of plastic is difficult the only solution is to recycle the plastics.
My opinion on these is that One method of  encouraging and helping on  recycling of these plastic would be :-
  •  Developing many a recycling companies in the world.
  • Reducing the production of plastic.
  • Encouraging the recycling companies by been given more funds,subsides and reduction of tax by government. 
  • Coco cola company wash there glass bottles,why can't they also implement it also on the plastic bottles.
  • Opening  up ready market for buying the disposed plastics materials like bottles,paper bags these may create employment to some individual and keep the environment clean.
  • try and use other materials for packaging and also find another local ready material that is cheap and that can decay easily.

We need companies investing in the area of recycling plastics.Many plastics are imported from outside country.Why can't  we have many investors opening up this firms in the country.The following are the steps of recycling plastics from plastic recycle.
 There are many companies which are coming up.That are helping in recycling of the plastic some of these companies are suppose to be given more fund to help in improving our environment.Some of these compani
es are:-
To list them but a few but they are suppose to be many in order  to help us  keep environment clean.

Scientist  have proven that plastic are the one cause of deadly disease called cancer.The quicker we get the alternative to the plastic the better.

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